If you would like to add more shade to your patio pergola or outdoor gazeb then shade cloth is a Fast & Easy way to accomplish your goal. Here are some basic steps on how to install shade cloth to your pergola so you can enjoy your deck or patio even more.
What you need for the installation:
- Shade Cloth to cover area, plus about 25% more
- Hammer or screwdriver
- Tape measure
- Safety goggles
- Box cutters (or a sharp knife, scissors, or some other sharp cutting instrument)
- Attachment hardware: screws, nails, or 1in staples (or a heavy duty staple gun with 3/4" staples or larger). Stainless steel hardware is highly recommended, but there are many other types of fasteners specifically treated for use outside.
How to Install Shade Cloth / Fabric(Click images to enlarge) |
Heavy Duty 1in Staples |
Wood Screws with Washers |
Start with a pergola, arbor, or another structure you wish to cover with the shade cloth. |
Roll out the shade cloth across your structure and loosely pull it into position. Leave at least 8-12 inches of overhang on all sides. |
Attach shade cloth to one of the longest sides first (the edge closest to your house). Start at one end and pull with medium pressure (enough to get the wrinkles out and just a bit more) as you move along the edge. Attach about every 12-18 inches. |
Now, finish attaching the outside edges, continuing in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction (depending on how you started above). Make sure that the knitted knot lines in the fabric are straight. |
When attaching the shade cloth along an edge of the structure where the fabric will be trimmed off, be sure to move the attachment point just inside from the outside edge of the beam, or post to leave room to cut the fabric. |
When joining the edges of two rolls of shade cloth along a rafter or support, try not to overlap the shade cloth, if possible. Offset the fixing points of the two edges so they do not align next to each other. |
You can use a pinch pleat to join or seam two sections of shade fabric. (hardly used due to costs, time to implement, bulky seams are visible from underneath, and easier to conceal seam on top of a rafter or support) |
Now, tack down the shade cloth to any interior support beams about 12-18 inches apart. Closer if in very windy areas. |
Trim off all the edges using a box cutter (or other sharp cutting instrument) |
Underside view of shade cloth covered pergola. Neat and tidy. |
Finished Views of Shade Cloth Covered Pergolas and Porches
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Last Updated: 01/07/2025 03:59 AM - ID:2439