Umbrella Series Solar Fountain-Bench
Solar Fountain with Boy and Girl Reading on a Bench
The Umbrella Series Solar Fountain- Bench Design is a fun and whimsical solar fountain featuring a boy and girl reading on a bench under an umbrella. The fountain is constructed of a low maintenance resin which makes cleanup very easy. You simply drain it, wipe it down and refill. The fountain draws water from the reservoir up through the umbrella to give the impression of rain. It is powered by Smart Solar dual solar panel technology covered by US and International Copyrights and Trademarks. It has an aged Bronze finish and it operates in Direct sunlight.
The Umbrella Series Solar Fountain has no wiring or operating costs just simply install and enjoy!
BackOrdered This item has been BackOrdered until 3/3/14
Last Updated: 01/07/2025 04:01 AM - ID:6461