Low-voltage landscape lighting is a simple improvement that can make a huge difference in the safety and security of your home as well as how it looks after dusk. Landscape Lighting is usually installed along walkways, steps, and driveways, pointing up at trees, walls, and fences. The typical low-voltage lighting system requires just three components: a transformer, low-voltage electrical cable, and the fixtures. Landscape lighting is easy to install even if you've never done any electrical wiring.
A transformer is used to step down the 120-volt house current to just 12 volts. It should be plugged into a GFCI-protected outdoor electrical outlet. This outlet should be fitted with a while-in-use cover, which is an oversized plastic box that closes over and around the power cord. The transformer needs to have enough capacity to support the cumulative wattage of the lights in the system plus about 1 watt for each 10 feet in the total length of the run of lights. Between fixtures, the cable is normally buried in a shallow trench about 3-6 inches deep.
Unlike the landscape lighting of old, fixtures these days come in a wide range of shapes and colors. As long as you have a nearby outlet, you can give your home and yard a welcoming glow when the sun goes down.
Pathway or Walk lights come in dozens of styles at a wide range of prices. Pathway lights are designed to light a specific area that is directly underneath and within a few feet of the light fixture, like a driveway or walkway. These are usually spaced 6-10 feet apart. Place them any closer together and your walkway may look like a landing strip.
Area lights - sometimes called spot, wash, flood, or up lights - spread the illumination over a specific item or larger areas. These are used to highlight walls, trees, shrubs, statues, etc. Creative use of these lights can usually provide the most dramatic effects of your landscape lighting.
Our Professional Grade Lighting line includes a wide range of specific purpose outdoor lighting fixtures, weatherproof transformers, specialty insulated cables, and a variety of landscape lighting accessories. All have the latest and most advanced features.
Learn more about Outdoor Lighting Solutions.
Last Updated: 02/24/2025 08:47 AM - ID:372