Gardening – Outdoor Patio Ideas How to Enjoy your Patio, Deck or Garden Sat, 07 Jul 2012 22:34:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 41321279 Mini Greenhouse Kits Give You Gardening Power in Tight Spaces Mon, 14 May 2012 20:32:36 +0000 If you are looking for a greenhouse, but aren’t sure if you will have the space, we can help! In addition to our full size greenhouse kits, we also offer more small space friendly varieties. Our cold frame greenhouse offer 5 sq. feet of growing space and is only 18″ high. The larger double cold frame has 9 sq. feet of space and is 21″ … Continue reading Mini Greenhouse Kits Give You Gardening Power in Tight Spaces »

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Know When to Start Your Spring Vegetable Garden Mon, 19 Mar 2012 15:41:18 +0000 Are you planting a garden this spring? Vegetable gardens are a great way to utilize space in your backyard. If you are new to vegetable gardening, you are probably wondering when you should start. Below, you will find a handy guide to help you understand when you should plant in your area of the country. When you start your plants, you can either start them … Continue reading Know When to Start Your Spring Vegetable Garden »

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Composting Guidelines: Not Everything Can Go in the Compost Bin Thu, 01 Mar 2012 15:57:47 +0000 Composting food and yard wastes is easy, especially when using a purchased compost bin. Building a compost structure on your own is certainly an option, but compost bins on the market come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and often make the process of composting much simpler. No matter how you choose to compost your organic wastes, the advantages of composting are undeniable. Composting … Continue reading Composting Guidelines: Not Everything Can Go in the Compost Bin »

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The Proper Workspace Starts a Garden Right Mon, 02 Jan 2012 19:09:41 +0000 January is National Mail Order Gardening Month, and it’s the perfect time to peruse those fabulous gardening catalogs to find favorite plant varieties as well as new and interesting possibilities.  While you’re waiting for your seed order to arrive, gather the necessary potting supplies: soil, compost, seed pots, trays, and whatever else you like to use to prepare for the upcoming season of seedlings. Where do you … Continue reading The Proper Workspace Starts a Garden Right »

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Don’t Let Autumn Leaves Go to Waste Mon, 24 Oct 2011 17:43:01 +0000 Did you know that upwards of 60 percent of the waste generated by the average U.S. household could be recycled or composted? Unfortunately, only 8 percent of American waste is composted, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. Did you also know that yard waste, such as fallen autumn leaves, makes up nearly 20% of all garbage created every year? When put into landfills, organic … Continue reading Don’t Let Autumn Leaves Go to Waste »

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Garden Sheds — What’s So Great About Cedar? Tue, 16 Aug 2011 00:49:01 +0000 Why choose a cedar garden shed over a metal or plastic shed? Cedar is an all-weather wood that can withstand decades of harsh weather conditions, including icy winters, wet springs, and hot, sunny summers. It can be stained or painted to complement your existing home decor, and it is naturally resistant to mildew, rot, and insects, making it virtually worry-free. As an added bonus, cedar looks … Continue reading Garden Sheds — What’s So Great About Cedar? »

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April is National Lawn and Garden Month Fri, 15 Apr 2011 15:32:51 +0000 April is National Lawn and Garden month! This gives you a wonderful reason to get outside and get your backyard and garden ready. Whether you are starting from scratch or are an experienced pro, here are several tips that you can use to celebrate Lawn and Garden month in style! Consider Backyard Composting – Composting is nature’s process of recycling decomposed organic materials into a … Continue reading April is National Lawn and Garden Month »

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April Showers Bring Opportunity to Save Water and Money Mon, 04 Apr 2011 16:25:56 +0000 If it’s true that April showers bring May flowers, then now is the time to take advantage of capturing some of that rain so you can water your garden on drier days.  Rain barrels offer an effortless way to collect rain water, so you can avoid having to open your faucets (and your wallet) to give your posies a drink.  Need another reason to love rain barrels?  You can … Continue reading April Showers Bring Opportunity to Save Water and Money »

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4 Quick Tips for Keeping Garden Tools Happy Sun, 27 Mar 2011 20:15:17 +0000 Whether you’re new to gardening or have been toiling in the soil for years, you rely on garden tools that are in good working condition.  Poorly maintained garden tools don’t last long and most likely make gardening chores more of a chore. The best way to make sure your tools work well for you over the long haul is to give them a little TLC after each use. … Continue reading 4 Quick Tips for Keeping Garden Tools Happy »

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Make Your Garden Beautiful While Making a Difference Fri, 25 Mar 2011 15:33:45 +0000 Cedar accessories can make a beautiful statement in your garden while serving a sturdy and long-lasting function. Beautiful cedar planter boxes are perfect for people with limited space who want to grow delicious fruits, vegetable, and herbs. Because cedar is naturally weather and insect resistant, the planters will last for many years to come. Cedar plant dollies have casters that make them a perfect solution … Continue reading Make Your Garden Beautiful While Making a Difference »

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