Be the Life of the Party with Your Tailgating Tools

When you’re headed out to tailgate at a football game, you’ve got to have all the right tools.  People expect certain things from tailgaters and if you don’t measure up, you’ll find yourself coming up empty handed in the friend category by the end of the day.  Make sure that you know which tools you need and how to spice things up a little bit.  If you’ve got an extra budget for tailgating this fall, you should take advantage of it.  Get the latest electronics and gadgets for tailgating so that you can show off and have a great time with your family or friends, no matter what games you’re going to.

Buy the Coolest Gadgets

If you’ve got money to spare, go crazy with the world of online tailgating tools and supplies.  There is so much that you can buy today to make your party the best party in the lot, no matter what you have in mind.  College football and NFL football both have a huge following of tailgating fans, and they’re always trying to outdo each other with the coolest gadgets and gizmos that help them get more out of the experience.  Make sure that you look around to see what kind of cool toys you can find to add to your tailgating kit, no matter what you have in mind.

You’ll find portable grills, coolers with speakers, TVs and entertainment systems, and so much more.  It goes way beyond booze and barbecues at today’s tailgating events and if you’re prepared to be the life of the party, you’ll make quite an impact.  Make sure that you are trying to provide something for everyone and that you are really focused on having a good time, no matter what.  Shopping on a budget? That’s okay too.  You can still find all types of gadgets and gizmos that will allow you to show off without spending a fortune.  In fact, that’s the beauty of shopping online, after all.  You can get a lot more for less when it comes to tailgating, no matter what you have in mind.

Plan Ahead and Utilize the Internet

Not only should you be shopping online for the best tailgating tools and supplies, but you should be checking up on blogs and websites that keep you up to date on the latest gadgets and tailgating trends.  That way, you can know what’s coming and what you will want to invest in when the season rolls around.  If you’re just looking to show up, cook some burgers and have a few beers, that’s fine.  You will tend to have a lot more fun if you can up the entertainment factor and impress all your neighbors with your cool tools and toys that you’ve brought to the game.

You’ve got to cover the basics, too.  Make a list of food, drinks, supplies that you need, and people who are coming to your party.  Then, plan for about 5-10 extra just in case.  That way, all of your bases are covered and you’ll be able to get everything that you deserve out of your tailgating experience.  Plan for rain, cold, snow, wind, warmth, sun, and more.  Bring every possible thing that you might ever need just in case because the one thing that you leave at home will typically be exactly what the weather calls for.

Back to gadgets and the internet.  You can find all kinds of tailgating blogs that will tell you all about the latest tools and toys, no matter what you have in mind.  Make sure that you take advantage of this when you are planning your tailgating purchases so that you can buy everything that you just have to have, no matter what that might be.  It’s fun to go out and load up on all kinds of tailgating supplies when you have the money and it’ll make everyone jealous when you’re living it up in the parking lot and they’re sitting with their beers and boom boxes.

Have Fun and Be Friendly

The greatest part of tailgating is that you DO get to interact with so many different people.  It’s not just the people that you brought to the game, either.  There are going to be thousands of other fans there that you can make friends with.  Make sure that you have a friendly attitude and that you’re not trying too hard to be the best of anything so that people will feel like they can talk to you.  The last thing that you want is to create a hostile environment at a tailgating party where everyone is drinking and having a good time.

With the right tools and gadgets, you can show everyone how awesome tailgating can be.  You do still have to have the right attitude, however, so that you can get everything that you deserve out of your experience, no matter what you have in mind.  Make sure that you have regular drinks for people who don’t want alcohol, and even for yourself so that you don’t end up drunk before they party has even started.  Also, make sure that you get some cool games and entertainment for your guests.  It doesn’t matter how many people you’re inviting because while you’re cooking and everyone is waiting for the fun to begin, you’re going to need to keep them busy.

Being the tops of the tailgating crew isn’t an easy position to be in.  However, as long as you take the time to get the gadgets that you need and make sure that you’re doing everything that you can to plan ahead and be prepared, you can show everyone a great time with your cool tailgating tools and gadgets.  Just remember to focus on the fun, because that’s what football season and tailgating are all about.  Whether you’re getting back into the swing of things from last year or this is your first tailgating experience, you should have no trouble showing everyone how to have a great time at the game.



Top 10 Tailgating Trends of 2012

Super Bright Screen Make these TVs perfect for viewing even in Sunlight.

Tailgating season is kicking off with a bang this year and there are so many new trends (and old traditions) that people are taking with them.    Are you ready for this season? You’ve got a lot to plan and prepare for if you haven’t started yet.    There is so much that you can enjoy about tailgating season and this year, it’s all about high tech and high class entertainment, no matter what parties you’re going to.    Some traditions will never die but there is always room for improvement in the world of tailgating.    Here are the top trends of this year’s tailgaters, bringing you America’s favorite pastime for decades.

  1. Electronics.    It’s all about high-tech fun this time around.    People have been ramping up to get the latest devices and electronics so that they can get more enjoyment from their tailgating adventures.    Things like sports radios and old travel TVs are out, and Outdoor HD TVs (which are visible even in sunlight) and plenty of other high-tech gadgets are in.    People can get the play-by-play on their phone or check the scores on their tablet.    Why would they even want a sports radio unless they’re a traditionalist?
  2. Food.    Lots and lots of food.    This is always a staple at tailgating events, but this year the food is getting more creative and fun.    As more portable gadgets are made available, people are bringing a little bit of everything along.    Forget hot dogs and burgers.    While you’ll find plenty of those, you’ll also find things like paninis, grilled vegetables, and high-class meals that are sure to impress even when you’re tailgating on a beer budget.
  3. Games like beer pong and the bean bag toss are still hot.    There are so many ways to meet new people at tailgating events, but playing games gets everyone involved.    If you show up with the latest and greatest tailgating games, you’ll be the life of the party in no time.    Take the time to shop around online and find the best tailgating games for this season, no matter what you have in mind.
  4. Kitschy collections.    There’s nothing like a metal bucket-turned-beer-cooler that is adorned with your team’s favorite colors or logo.    You can find so many great items online that feature your team’s colors and logos that you can have a very kitschy, down home tailgating experience no matter what you might be looking for.
  5. Pets.    Everyone seems to want to bring their pets along, especially since they can now sport their owners’ favorite jerseys thanks to pet brands that have licensed NFL and collegiate jerseys for pooches.    If you want to take Fido to the big game, make sure that he’s friendly around people, that you can keep him tied up, and that you’ve got food and water for him, too.    Oh, and when you take him for a walk, make sure you pick up his “messes”.
  6. Custom designed tailgate accessories and supplies.    Everyone likes to show off at a tailgate party and when you roll in with something sporting your team’s logo that’s been custom designed, you’re going to make everyone else jealous.    There are a lot of ways to customize different supplies and tools that you need for your tailgate party, no matter what you have in mind.    Just take the time to look around online and see what you have to choose from.
  7. New recipes and fun foods.    People aren’t just bringing new food and high class meals, they’re recreating old favorites and brining a whole new world of entertaining for your mouth.    There are so many tailgaters out there that can share recipes with you and help you create a menu that is sure to impress even the pickiest eaters at your tailgating party.
  8. Blogging.    Thanks to the internet, social media is helping people connect about tailgating.    There are many pros that now have blogs of their own, offering tailgating tips, recipes, tools and information, and more.    You can find all kinds of resources online to help you prep for your big tailgating event beforehand, no matter what you have in mind.
  9. Party buses.    These limos and buses have been used for bachelorette parties, weddings, proms, and other events for years.    Now, they’re becoming the life of the party at tailgating events around the country.    You can hire a party bus for your tailgating fun, no matter what you have in mind.    You can also get creative and build your own party bus if you’ve got the time and the money, allowing you to have an ongoing tailgating toy that will always get the party started for you.
  10. Rules and regulations.    Even though these aren’t as fun as the other trends on this list, they are becoming far more common.    In light of safety concerns and issues of the past, as well as the growing popularity of tailgating, many event venues are putting rules on their tailgating practices that you need to know before you go.    Make sure that you do some research online about the game you’ll be going to and check out what they expect from you.    If you show up and break the rules, you’re not going to make a very good impression.

There is so much that is changing in the world of tailgating, but at the same time there is a lot that is staying the same.    If you take the time to explore the new world of tailgating before you head out, you’ll have a much better idea of what to expect and be able to get everything that you need out of your tailgating party.    Use the internet to learn about new trends in tailgating and stock up for your big game, no matter what you have in mind.    Tailgating is as popular as ever, if not more so, and now is your chance to have a great time in the high-tech world of tailgating for the 21st century.    Just grab your gear and load up the gadgets, and head out to the game.    It’s 2012, and it’s time for a tailgating revolution according to many people who are having more fun than ever.




The Charm of the Chiminea – Stylish Outdoor Accessories

Sun Ray Chiminea

The chiminea originates from Mexico, where it was originally created as an oven and outdoor fireplace designed to keep families warm, even while it was raining.  The design allows these fire places to be used at any time and avoid the rain, which is why they have the shape that they do.  Today, of course, chimineas have become popular as backyard accessories for many people in the U.S.  and UK.  Because these were not designed for those climates, finding sturdy, reputable products can be difficult at times.  However, you can find a great selection in our Chiminea department that will provide stylish options for every climate.

The Original Design

The original design of the chiminea was rooted in necessity.  Mexican tribesmen had a need to create a tool that could help keep their families warm and provide a cooking source that was protected from the weather.  The goal was also to create something that could house fire that was created with just a few sticks, which is exactly how the design came about.  The result was the round belly with a sturdy base and a slender stack, or chimney, to expel the smoke.  This design has held true to the original plan for hundreds of years.

Although the use of these is quite different for most people today, the design and shape of them is often what makes them so appealing to people.  They are made in many different finishes and the clay models that are available are all handcrafted, giving people a unique backyard accessory that they can use for keeping warm and entertaining on those breezy fall nights.  Of course, things have changed a lot since the past and while many people in less civilized countries still use them for function, chimineas in countries like the U.S.  are all about style and accessorizing in the backyard.

Today’s Modern Styles

Chimineas were originally made inMexico, which is why clay was an effective medium.  There isn’t a lot of rainfall in the country, which allowed the clay to withstand the weather for many years without damage.  As more people in the U.S.  and other countries started importing these unique fireplaces for use in their own backyards, it was noticed that they couldn’t withstand the climate change.  In colder weather, areas where it snows, and in regions where excessive rainfall is common, the clay is known to crack, break, flake, and otherwise become damaged quite easily because it was not made for these types of elements.

The solution, for many, was a better material.  This led to the creation of cast-iron and aluminum chimineas, which are popular today among people who want something sturdier and a little more durable.  Of course, there is still something to be said for having an authentic chiminea that is made of clay because it is unique and offers people the traditional style and design that these fireplaces are known for.  There is an ongoing debate as to which is the best option, but it ultimately boils down to personal opinion when people are shopping for their own chiminea.

Today, there are so many styles, designs, and materials to choose from that people have to weigh the pros and cons and shop around for the things that they like.  They can also pick and choose from a variety of sizes and price points, giving them a chance to spruce up their backyard, no matter what they have in mind.  With so many options, it is easy for people to put these charming fireplaces to good use in their own backyards, no matter what they have in mind.

Choosing Your Chiminea

When you are shopping for a chiminea, it’s going to be up to you to pick the one that you like best.  There are so many styles and designs to choose from that it should be easy for you to find something that you love.  Take the time to shop around and see what you can find, because the selection today is better than ever.  You can choose from traditional styles that are made of clay and offer a unique design or more contemporary models that are cast in metal, but they each have their own pros and cons to consider before you buy anything.

For example, while clay models might not be able to withstand the elements like metal styles, the metal is known to rust and corrode over time with exposure, so you will have to think about this.  Additionally, there is usually assembly required on the metal or cast-iron models, while the clay ones are delivered all set up and ready to go.  You get a more decorative, authentic looking chiminea if you choose a clay model, but you might also have to deal with more maintenance or finding a way to protect it from the elements.  There are a lot of things to think about in choosing the right chiminea for your home.

Other considerations include the size and style of the chiminea that you buy.  There are large and small models available, as well as many sizes in between.  You can find contemporary styles that look less like the traditional chiminea that history knows, as well as authentic models that give your home that unique feeling because of their authenticity.  It’s going to be up to you to explore what’s out there to choose from and find what you like.

Cost is another factor in choosing your chiminea, but that’s all about your budget.  You can find great models like our Sun Ray Style Chiminea for as little as $190 or something like our Gatsby Style Chiminea for $350.  You can even find models that are high-end and super stylish, that cost as much as $1000 or more, if you want the best of the best when it comes to buying your chiminea.  These charming outdoor fireplaces make a great addition to any backyard and as long as you take the time to find a model that you like in your price range, you can improve your outdoor living space for fall in no time at all.



Are You Ready for Some Football? – Tips for Tailgating Prep

Tailgate Party Blender and CADAC portable Grill

Tailgating in style! Mixing it up with a Party Blender

Tailgating is a popular pastime for many Americans and it is now back in full swing, thanks to the start of football season. If you’re getting ready to go out tailgating, you have a lot of different things that you have to think about. For starters, you need to make sure that you take the time to learn about all of the different supplies that you’ll need for the big day.  The football season is in full swing and if you want to get out there, you’ll need to make sure that you’re ready for it.  Having the right tailgating supplies isn’t the only thing you need, however.  Here are some important tips to keep in mind for tailgating season:

  • Always keep it safe. Tailgate parties are America’s pastime, but so many people in one place can often lead to problems if you’re not prepared. There are a lot of different ways to have fun at tailgating parties, but safety always comes first. Schools like UGA banned the use of grills because of the dangers that they pose to tailgaters who are trying to have a good time, but that’s not a common issue. You just have to be aware of your surroundings and make sure that fun doesn’t come before safety.
  • Make sure that you have everything that you need the day before. That way, you can run out and get any last minute stuff without having to worry about being late to the game or getting there with a full cooler and grill, but no steaks or burgers. Plan ahead and plan well so that you can spend more time having fun and less time worrying about whether you have everything.
  • Make sure that you have your charcoal grill or smoker is safely parked away from buildings and vehicles.  The hoses should be properly connected and you need to have a fire extinguisher and spray bottle close by in case things get out of control. Also, keep kids and pets away from the grill and have a safety kit on hand just in case accidents do happen. Make sure that whoever is in charge of the grill is manning it properly and keeping an eye on things at all times.
  • Keep your party supplies and other accessories away from the grill. Decorations are fun, but they can be a fire hazard if they get too close to the flames. Make sure that you’re not using accelerants, like gasoline,  to start the grill either, because things can get out of control fast.
  • Watch out for other party-goers. Although everyone starts off here to have a good time, things can quickly get out of control. There is usually alcohol at these parties and some people don’t mix well with a few beers. Avoid angry people or those who look like they’re trying to start trouble. Have fun and remember that it’s about having a good time, not one-upping the guy next to you.
  • Make sure that you know the rules of the lot. Some tailgating venues have explicit rules about behavior, conduct, activities, and other regulations. You could get yourself kicked out if you don’t follow the rules but you can’t keep up with them if you don’t know what they are.
  • Show up early. If you want to get the most out of your experience, you have to be there 3-4 hours before game time. That will ensure that you get a good spot and have time to cook and enjoy the food with your friends or family before the game starts. Make sure that you give yourself time to clean up and pack up after you’re done, too. If you’re going to the game and coming back for more, you should still pack up your stuff before you head to the field.
  • Find the perfect tailgating location. Some lots charge for the best spaces, but that might not matter to you. You should look for grass so that you have more room to spread out. If you can’t park by trees, bring sun shades or a canopy to keep you cool and avoid the sunburn that comes from staying out too long. If you have to make do with any spot that you get, try to make friends and figure out how to get a better space next time while you’re there.
  • Clean up after yourself. There is nothing worse than a tailgater who comes, makes a mess, and leaves. Make sure that you have trash bags, charcoal disposal containers if you have a charcoal grill, and other tools to clean things up and put them back the way you left them. A lot of people leave trash and food lying around because they don’t feel like cleaning up. Not only does that look bad, but that can jeopardize the future of tailgating in that spot for everyone.
  • There’s a lot to learn if you’re going to make the most of tailgating. These tips, however, should make it easier for you to have the best experience. Remember that it takes some planning, but this is supposed to be a good time and you’re going to have it if you’re prepared. Football season is just getting started and you’re on your way to a great time every time you go tailgating as long as you’re ready and know the rules.
  • Everyone has a different idea of what a good time is, so make sure that you don’t cause conflicts with other tailgaters or try to encroach on other people’s parties. While it’s usually pretty friendly in the tailgating lot, you can never be too careful. Safety and preparedness are the keys to success with any tailgating event. Plan ahead, get your supplies online for less, and prepare yourself for a great time every time no matter which team you’re rooting for. With this information in mind, you’ll be on your way to having a blast at your favorite football game, whether you’re a seasoned tailgater or just starting your adventures in the world of parking lot parties.