Category Archives: Storage Solutions

Store Your Firewood Properly Now & Enjoy Toasty Winter Days Ahead

Fireplace Image

If you plan to chop and prepare your own logs for upcoming winter fires, or if you’re like me and prefer to have locally prepared firewood delivered to your door, you’ll need some place to store it.  Here are some tips for properly storing your winter firewood:

  • Keep it handy, but away from your house.  Firewood can attract pests, and if logs are kept next to the house, those critters may find easy ways to enter your home or cause damage to your home’s exterior.  The best place to keep your logs is near the fence or next to the shed or other outdoor storage building — close and convenient, but not so close that you’ll be inviting unexpected “guests” into your home.  Never spray your firewood with pesticides to deter insects because burning these logs in the fireplace will create harmful toxic vapors. 
  • Keep it protected.  In order to burn efficiently, firewood needs to stay dry.  One option is to store your firewood inside your shed or in another covered outdoor structure.  Or, you could do what I do and cover the wood pile with a simple tarp.  They are inexpensive and can be tied down to prevent them from blowing away.  If your firewood is stored in a place on your property that is not visible to passersby, then covering it with a tarp will not damage your home’s “curb appeal.”
    Log Rack
  • Keep it elevated.  If stored directly on the ground, firewood can soak up moisture and attract pests.  Storing your firewood in a sturdy Firewood Rack, or Log Rack, will keep your logs elevated, promoting air circulation and deterring pesky pests and wood rot.  Log Racks come in multiple sizes, so you should be able to find one that fits the space in which you plan to store your logs.

Properly storing your firewood now will ensure that you have enough good firewood to last you through the whole winter.  So, get ready to cozy up next to the fireplace with a warm buddy, and don’t forget the hot chocolate — extra marshmallows, please!

Umbrella Hooks Are Handy Accessories

Pole-R Bear Umbrella HooksPole-R Bear Hooks

Umbrellas provide perfect shade pool side, on your porch or patio, or at the beach, but they can offer another benefit with the Pole-R Bear Umbrella Hook: storage space! These hooks are amazing. Lightweight and portable, they can be taken anywhere, including the beach, camp sites, pools, water parks, and tail gating events. They attach to any size umbrella pole and you can place the hooks at any level. The Pole-R Bear’s “claws” will hold items such as cameras, keys, hats, towels, clothes, etc. off of the ground and away from water and dirt/sand. They are American-made stainless steel that will not bend, break, or rust. They are even recommended by These hooks can be the perfect addition to your summer vacations!

Fast and Easy Storage Shed Kits Save Time and Money

Need some more storage for your yard and garden supplies?  Don’t want to spend a bunch of money on an expensive storage shed at the home improvement warehouse?  Try this solution:  a Fast Framer storage shed kit.  What’s nice about this storage shed kit is that you get everything you need for your new storage shed, except the wood itself.    You get the freedom of selecting your preferred type of wood.  Even better is that Fast Framer storage shed kits come with patented stud and angle brackets that allow you to connect the wood pieces together without having to do a bit of mitering.  You save time and effort, and the result is that you have a finished outdoor storage shed ready in a fraction of the time it might take if you used another type of kit.  Fast Framer storage shed kits are a fun project for the do-it-yourself enthusiast, no matter how much (or little) do-it-yourself experience you may have.

Stock Up for Spring with a Garden Shed

It’s never too early to get ready for spring gardening, even if the snow is still shin deep.  Spring preparations require stocking up on gardening essentials like soil and seeds, and there is no better time to prepare your gardening tools for a new season of use.  A sturdy cedar garden shed can safely house your spring supplies as well as offer a comfortable spot for cleaning and oiling your favorite garden tools.  Once the winter season wanes, you ‘ll be ready to get digging!