Category Archives: Outdoor Living Spaces

Why Material Matters for Outdoor Furniture Protection

When you cover up your patio furniture before a storm or a long winter season, what kind of material actually touches the surface of your furniture?  If you skimped when you bought your patio furniture covers, there’s no guarantee that they’ll offer adequate protection, and no guarantee that they’ll last more than a couple of years…tops.  Here’s why.

Poor quality patio furniture covers may last only one or two seasons because they are often made with cheaper vinyl or plastic. These inferior materials are easily damaged by extremes in cold or hot temperatures, and they can even damage your furniture if they stick to the surfaces or develop cracks.

It’s worth it to splurge for higher quality patio furniture covers because better materials really do make a difference in how well your furniture is protected from weather extremes.  Covers can be constructed from a variety of materials, but there are some crucial characteristics you should look for before making a selection.

Outdoor furniture covers should be made of a durable waterproof and UV resistant material that is able to withstand extreme temperatures and weather conditions, both hot and cold, without being compromised. Additionally, covers should be lightweight so that they are easy to use and easy to store when not in use. Some covers are backed with a soft cloth material to help prevent anything from scratching delicate furniture surfaces, which is an ideal feature if your patio furniture sits near any trees that may drop small branches or other debris over the course of the winter.

Taking a bit of time in the beginning to find the best material for your outdoor furniture covers will pay off in the long run. By covering your outdoor patio furniture properly, you will extend the life of the furniture for many years. Alternatively, skimping on quality now will most likely result in having to spend more money later to replace poor quality furniture covers that don’t last beyond a season or two.

A Beautifully Unique Outdoor Fireplace

Chiminea Outdoor Fireplace

There’s a cold front coming through soon — will you retreat indoors when evenings grow chilly?  Frankly, there’s nothing quite like inhaling the crisp air of an early autumn evening (coming soon to a neighborhood near you).  The only thing to make that moment better is the warm, aromatic glow of a fire.  Outdoor fireplaces allow homeowners to safely create that delicious combination of crisp air and crackling wood, but the most unique way to bring the two together is with a most unique outdoor fireplace — the chiminea.

Chimineas are a different kind of outdoor fireplace. They were originally developed in Mexico as a means for heating the home and cooking food. The design of chimineas, which is reminiscent of the pot belly stove with a round, mostly enclosed firebox and tall stack, allows fires to light quickly and burn longer than in a traditional outdoor fireplace, which has an open firebox. Additionally, the design of chimineas prevents rain from extinguishing the fire.

Chimineas were traditionally constructed of clay or terra cotta and worked well in warmer, drier Mexican climates, but for superior durability and performance in colder climates, the preferred material for backyard chimineas is heavy duty metal, such as cast iron or cast aluminum. In cold temperatures and harsh weather conditions, clay or terra cotta chimineas tend to flake, crack, or crumble. Metal chimineas are beautifully designed and easily become the decorative focal point in any elegant outdoor living space. Chimineas are outdoor fireplaces with real character and style.

A Mosquito Eliminator That’s Different from the Rest

Mosquito Eliminator

I’m always on the lookout for new and interesting products that can safely reduce mosquito populations in my backyard.  With pets and kids running around, I’m wary of using foggers or other chemicals to kill the pesky blood suckers.  But, because I have pets and kids, eliminating mosquitoes takes on a higher priority.  Enter the Mosquito Eliminator.

This nifty gadget doesn’t look, smell, or work like most existing mosquito devices, which is why I was so intrigued by it.Mosquito Cartridge  It looks like an attractive piece of outdoor decor, doesn’t emit any noxious odors, and traps mosquitoes using a unique method of attraction.  Using ultraviolet black light technology and specially formulated attractants, the Mosquito Eliminator lures mosquitoes and other flying insects into the unit where they are captured on the patented auto advancing cartridge trapping system.  The Mosquito Eliminator provides a coverage area of 1,000 square feet, and it can hold about 6,000 mosquitoes before the cartridge needs replacing.

It’s refreshing to be able to enjoy the backyard without first dousing our bodies in chemical sprays or lighting up an ineffective candle.  Thanks to the Mosquito Eliminator, the pets can romp, the kids can play, and we can all have a relaxing, bug-free summer outside.

The Challenge of Listening to Rain

Listen to the Rain

Rainfall is abundant lately in my part of the country, but summer rains bring one of my favorite activities.  Listening.  Try it for yourself.  The next time it rains at your house, go outside on your patio or deck, take a seat, and just listen.  Listen to how different the rain sounds when it falls into trees, onto roof shingles, into small pools of water.  Listen to distant thunder and to birds as they continue with their discussions despite the rainfall.  You might even hear something surprising if you pay close enough attention to the sounds surrounding you.  There’s music in a rain shower, if you allow yourself to hear it.

Listening is actually harder than it sounds.  We often keep ourselves so busy with activity that simply sitting and listening is a real challenge.  Isn’t there something else we should be doing?  If it makes you feel better, take a book outside with you, or your laptop.  Just be sure to keep one ear open to hear the rain and all that comes with it.

Having said all of this, I’m not suggesting that you choose an unsheltered location outdoors and get soaked through.  That’s certainly an option, but it’s not one that I choose.  My preference is to find a comfy chair tucked safely and dryly underneath the retractable awning that my husband so graciously installed over our deck last year.  It provides plenty of protection so that I can enjoy the sounds of summer rain without getting wet myself.  Even better, the sound of raindrops on top of the awning adds another layer of “music” to the symphony nature produces with each summer rain shower.

When it comes down to it, though, it doesn’t matter if you listen from underneath a protective shelter or if you listen while getting soaked to your skin.  What’s important is the act of listening itself.  See if you can do it.  Start with five minutes and do nothing but sit and listen to the rain.  You just might get hooked.

Portable Hammocks Make Happy Campers


June is National Camping Month!  What kind of camper are you?  A beach camper?  A national or state park camper?  A backyard camper?  A find-an-empty-spot-in-the-woods-and-raise-the-tent camper?  No matter where you like to camp, it’s safe to say that not every camper enjoys the “roughing it” aspect of camping, including yours-truly.

Don’t get me wrong, I like searching for the ideal scenic camping spot, exploring nearby trails, and staying up after dark to stare in amazement at the star-studded sky.  I don’t, however, enjoy waking up with a stiff back, sore joints, and a bad attitude due to a poor night of sleep.  I’ve tried air mattresses made especially for campers, but with these, a good night of sleep still eludes me.  I always seem to lay my bedding on top of the most uncomfortable patch of ground in the entire area.

Portable HammockEnter the portable hammock.  Once I found this little gem and began bringing it along on camping trips, my experiences in the great outdoors have been enormously improved.  Light enough to carry and compact enough to fit into most tents, the portable hammock allows me to sleep (or nap) comfortably and wake feeling completely refreshed.

The benefit of portable hammocks is that they go anywhere.  So, if camping is not your preference, you can still take it with you on your next fishing trip, hiking excursion, or backyard relaxation adventure.  Take it from me, “roughing it” to the point of discomfort is not a requirement for camping or any other outdoor activity.  Adding a component of comfort, such as a portable hammock, to your collection of gear will allow you to enjoy your outdoor experiences more fully and more often.